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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Perfect Guy For You: Does He Exist?

Okay, at one point in our teenage single years, while looking for the right guy, all of us girls reach a point, wondering if the guy we want even exists. Are our standards too high? Are we being too picky about the guy we ultimately want to be with? Questions like these come uppermost in our minds when we feel the lack or loss of a special guy friend or boyfriend in our lives.
There has been points in my life where I think, well, the only guys with the types of standards I have simply do not exist.

If you’re at this point, or near it, don’t give up hope! Do not EVER lower your standards for the guy (for example, that you want to date) simply so you’re with someone. You want that “someone” to be very special and definitely worthy of your heart-in other words, not just anyone.

I used to be at the point that I thought the type of guy I want to even be close friends with, wouldn't have the moral standards I want. Thankfully, I didn’t lower my standards when that guy was yet to have shown up in my life.

Here’s 3 things to remember while the guy you really hope and pray for has yet to show up in your life:
  1. Don’t think for a moment that you’ll be eternally single, and without even a good guy friend, because you want someone Christian, or with moral standards. Guys like that are out there. Sometimes you just need to wait until God wants you to meet him though, and be patient (I know that’s REALLY hard to accept, but sometimes, it’s what God wants and what we need to do, is to be patient.)
  2. If you want to meet a good guy, look for him in the right places. At church, a Christian youth group, in Christian settings, those are places where there’s most likely going to be Christian guys who are likely to be like who you're looking for. Don't simply expect him to magically show up. XD
  3. Pray for the guy while he's yet to arrive! If you want a guy that's a good Christian and will respect you, pray for him to that he'll be all that! No one's perfect (more on that later) and praying for him is a great thing to do, putting God in your friendship/relationship before the guy's even arrived yet! :)
Of course, all this said, there's a difference between wanting good standards, and wanting literally a PERFECT person. If you want a guy that's physically flawless, never makes mistakes, and is like a guy in the movies (does Edward from Twilight come to mind?) then you're in for disappointment. No such male (or female with guys for that matter) exists like that.
When my title says "perfect guy for you" I mean him and you are compatible for each other, and possibly, soul-mates. I don't mean he's flawless. Just you two are just right for each other. Just a note to say for all you girlies ;)
I'm praying that whoever is reading this, now or later, the guy that shows up or is in your life will respect and love you, and be everything you hope to have in a special guy friend or boyfriend. :)
Luv you girlies! Xoxo

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