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Friday, April 29, 2016

Simple Stress Relievers

Let's face it-we all have to deal with stress, on at least one level or another. Here's a couple simple ways you can relieve some of that stress after something hard or just a really tough day at school. You'll be feeling the smiles in no time!
Exercise or take a nature walk. For me at least, exercising in one form or another is a way to decrease my stress level and help me calm down. Plus, my added energy just helps me work harder physically. Exercising in the outdoors, just seeing nature and trees and flowers, reminds me more of God and less of about my current problem/s.
Write. Okay, I realize I'm a crazy writer, and when I'm stressed out, writing's my thing. (Well, anytime in life, writing is my thing. When I'm stressed, bored, upset, happy, excited, nervous-any mood you can think of I'm in, my thing is to write. XD) But honestly, writing your feelings down at least, can be helpful. Its a way to "let it out" instead of holding it in-and plus, you wont be letting out steam at the wrong person because you're upset!
Pray and just talk to God. Just talking to God about what's going on, and what you're worried or stressed over helps a ton. Knowing God cares is in itself a big thing that should make you feel better.
Listen to music. Music is my #1 go getter when I'm worried, stressed or just having a bad day. It instantly makes me feel better, if its the type of music I like. So out pull out your headphones and tune in with that favorite playlist of yours!
Do something you enjoy and that calms you down. Working on a hobby or activity you like will surely put your in a happier mood and if you're pretty upset, help calm you down.
Talk with a close friend about what may be bothering you or just spend time with them. Being with people you love will surely make you feel better. And it will instantly make your day brighter!

Hope a hard day can be brightened a little by doing some of these stress relieving activities! Love ya girlies, thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to leave a comment on what you do to fight stress or what you'll do to chill after a bad day.


Why Purity Rings Are A Good Idea

Do you have a purity ring? Or do you know what one is? For those of you who do not, a purity ring is a ring that you can wear (typically beginning as a teenager) to remind yourself of an ongoing commitment to purity until marriage. Not merely just a symbol of purity itself, possessing a purity ring is more of a symbol of a promise you make to yourself (and, in a way, to your future spouse) that you are saving your self and your virginity for your soulmate, that is, your husband (or wife, if you're a guy happening to be reading this).
Personally, I love the idea of purity rings. I actually do not have one of mine yet, but I really want to get one soon. I probably will be asking for one from my parents for my 16th birthday this summer ;)
There are several reasons getting a purity ring is such a good idea.
One way is its just simply good you are reminded of the purity promise you made to yourself daily, just by having the ring on your finger. Its a very cool thing.
In times of struggling or tempitation, your purity ring can be a reminder to stay strong in the face of temptation. Its right there, a symbol of your commitment. :)
Also, not to mention, if any guy's interested in you, or go on a first date or anything with anyone, and they ask about the ring, its a clear pointer to how you look at a pre-marital relationship. Whether their interest in you dwindles or increases after discovering that, you will definitely gain respect from boys/men because of it.
Now, please keep in mind that purity rings are not actually totally essential. You can make a commitment to purity without a ring to show it. Additionally, purity rings don't meant temptation and perhaps struggle disappear. (That'd simply be superstitious :P). Why I think purity rings are such a good thing, is because they may encourage you to stay strong in your resolution, and will help you to remember your commitment-perhaps at a moment when you otherwise could forget it. Plus, (maybe) especially for a girl, its cool to celebrate your purity commitment with a ring to show that you are following Christ and you're Gods girl, staying pure until the day you're married to your spouse.
If you think a purity ring is the right thing for you, ask your parents about getting one. Its a really amazing thing, and in my opinion, even exciting, to exhibit "to the world" your commitment to Christ and purity. Don't forget to leave in the comments whether you have a purity ring yet or not, and what you think of having one :)
Luv you girlies!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Simple Self-Confidence Boosters

Everyone, I'd say most especially teenagers, struggle with having real self-confidence and feeling good about the persons they are. Sometimes, you need to realize you have a lot of real worth, and that's why I wrote this post. Here are some simple ways to boost your self-confidence:

1. Stop comparing yourself to others around you. That's the worst (and by looking at the media and world EVERYWHERE, its also apparently the most popular) means of examining yourself. Even "gorgeous" girls I know don't consider themselves very pretty, most likely because they compare themselves to others instead of looking in the mirror and realizing how pretty they are by themselves.
2. Realize your looks do not define you. Looks are not what make people beautiful or really that attractive to others-what will count always will be your heart, not how physically flawless you are.
3. Make a list about all the great things about yourself. Although you might not be crazy about this idea, and have no clue how to do this-its worth it and will put a smile on your face knowing you have true worth in your unique abilities. Just start by writing down your talents (how are you musically, artistically, academically or otherwise gifted?) then things about your personality, and character. Write down things that make you proud of yourself. As a minimum, write at least 10 things you like about yourself. No less than that! ;)
4. Spend some time with a friend or person who makes you feel valued as a person. I'm pretty sure we all know (at least) that one person in our lives who lights up our day just spending time with them, and who always make you feel good about yourself and give you the sense of real self-value. Make sure you're with that person (or those people you know) who are like that more times then not. :)

Hope you amazing girlies do one or more of these things, and improve your self-confidence, because no matter what, you're unique and beautiful in my opinion! :)


Five Ways To Straight A's

We all know the struggle of keeping up good grades in every course for the entire school year. Here's a few tips you can use to help raise your grade in a class, or maintain the good one you have. :)

1. Just do your homework, every time. You wont be getting 0's-and when tests come along, just having done your homework before the test alone helps. Plus, if a dreaded pop quiz happens to come up tomorrow in class, doing your homework daily will help you know at least some information on it. XD

2. Ask questions and engage in class. Asking and discussing an idea or concept in any class will help you expand your knowledge in it and understand it better!

3. Study before every single test. Whether its your weekly mathematics test or semester exam, its essential before every test you study the material it covers. Unless you're a genuine genius who remembers everything forever, you'll need to review everything for the test. ;D

4. This is an obvious one, but something that raises a grade as easily as this needs attention. Ask about and for possible extra credit assignments.

5. Take notes in class and while studying. This is one of the best ways to retain information, and write the most important things from classes down to review when you need them. If you become an efficient note-taker, you will be able to write down the most important info for both now and later. (Plus, its a proven fact that writing down things you need to know helps you remember the information.)

Hope these tips help earn the grade you want in your classes if you use them! Love you girlies! <33


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Perfect Guy For You: Does He Exist?

Okay, at one point in our teenage single years, while looking for the right guy, all of us girls reach a point, wondering if the guy we want even exists. Are our standards too high? Are we being too picky about the guy we ultimately want to be with? Questions like these come uppermost in our minds when we feel the lack or loss of a special guy friend or boyfriend in our lives.
There has been points in my life where I think, well, the only guys with the types of standards I have simply do not exist.

If you’re at this point, or near it, don’t give up hope! Do not EVER lower your standards for the guy (for example, that you want to date) simply so you’re with someone. You want that “someone” to be very special and definitely worthy of your heart-in other words, not just anyone.

I used to be at the point that I thought the type of guy I want to even be close friends with, wouldn't have the moral standards I want. Thankfully, I didn’t lower my standards when that guy was yet to have shown up in my life.

Here’s 3 things to remember while the guy you really hope and pray for has yet to show up in your life:
  1. Don’t think for a moment that you’ll be eternally single, and without even a good guy friend, because you want someone Christian, or with moral standards. Guys like that are out there. Sometimes you just need to wait until God wants you to meet him though, and be patient (I know that’s REALLY hard to accept, but sometimes, it’s what God wants and what we need to do, is to be patient.)
  2. If you want to meet a good guy, look for him in the right places. At church, a Christian youth group, in Christian settings, those are places where there’s most likely going to be Christian guys who are likely to be like who you're looking for. Don't simply expect him to magically show up. XD
  3. Pray for the guy while he's yet to arrive! If you want a guy that's a good Christian and will respect you, pray for him to that he'll be all that! No one's perfect (more on that later) and praying for him is a great thing to do, putting God in your friendship/relationship before the guy's even arrived yet! :)
Of course, all this said, there's a difference between wanting good standards, and wanting literally a PERFECT person. If you want a guy that's physically flawless, never makes mistakes, and is like a guy in the movies (does Edward from Twilight come to mind?) then you're in for disappointment. No such male (or female with guys for that matter) exists like that.
When my title says "perfect guy for you" I mean him and you are compatible for each other, and possibly, soul-mates. I don't mean he's flawless. Just you two are just right for each other. Just a note to say for all you girlies ;)
I'm praying that whoever is reading this, now or later, the guy that shows up or is in your life will respect and love you, and be everything you hope to have in a special guy friend or boyfriend. :)
Luv you girlies! Xoxo

Friday, April 22, 2016

Welcome to The Girls Life Blog!

Welcome to The Girls Life Blog! This will be a blog full of tips, tricks, advice and activities for the Christian teen girl, for everything in a teen girl's life, including beauty, fashion, dating, friendships, social life, and more. Hope you can follow my blog and comment too! :)
