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Thursday, December 1, 2016

1 Way You Can Be Self-Confident & Kind To Others At The Same Time

Do you ever come across someone who'
jaw-dropping gorgeous? A fellow girl, maybe a friend, maybe someone you don't know well, who just has lovely looks?
Of course, you're first thought is most likely how you consider her really attractive, pretty, beautiful, etc, right?
And all that is good. Its kind to think in positive ways of others.
The bad thing that happens, all too often, though, while admiring someone else's God-given gifts, is to then deem our own attractiveness, aka worth, below that person's.
Which, chica, is totally not what should happen. That's basically like just saying because the dolphin is a beautiful mammal, any other mammal on earth isn't in other ways because of the unique awesomeness of (the, NEEDLESS TO SAY, AMAZING, AMAZING!!) dolphins.
Let me tell you something:
Don't think I don't know how you feel-I understand, more than most anyone does probably. For example: my automatic reaction to seeing a good selfie of a friend on Insta or being with one of my lovely friends in person, is to think, why can't I just be more cute like her?
No matter what you think, doing that is a favor for no one when you think of yourself like that; thinking someone is worth more than yourself isn't all that flattering for her, or yourself.
Its  sounds cliché, maybe-but you gotta embrace self-confidence in yourself, girl. You have to see the features that make you shine in your own way-maybe its your sparkling eyes, your perfect nose, your personality, crazy-awesome talents...yeah, there are a million and one ways you can recognize how special you really are and can be if you just let yourself.
So, yesh. That girl you think is gorgeous, IS. No doubt. But that doesn't mean you're not in consequence.
Because, in this beautifully bright world:
The key is finding your personality, the true beautiful you, is seeing how God made you beautiful, & recognizing what's totally fab about yourself.
God made people all around us beautiful, cute and amazing; and while He was at it, He certainly didn't neglect you, either. He gifted you with amazing beauty: and God wants you to be aware of it. Thinking someone else is cute or attractive-that is no probemo! But in so doing, never forget that you're just as beautiful and worthy of self-love and respect, chica.
XXX & lots of love,

Monday, September 5, 2016

4 steps in maintaining your (current) GPA

So you've reached your GPA goal finally- way to go, girl! However, a problem with grade point averages is maintaining  that average and not letting it go down! Here are some tips to help ;)

1. Get all the extra credit assignments that you possibly can, complete.
2. Always complete your homework-just getting that done at least will have at least partially prepared you for those dreaded mid-terms later in the year, and you won't be marked down F's for missing work.
3. Set a time (daily or weekly) for you to review chapters, key material, take notes, and better understand anything you may be struggling to understand.
4. Always attend class, take notes, and listen attentively while in class. Just attending class, like tip #2, will really alone help your grades maintain or increase their percentage.

Happy studying!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Keep interested & energized all year!

Just yesterday you were watching fireworks on the fourth of July. Now its time for back to school already! (Where does time go?) Once the school year hits, some tips to keep up the energy and interest for now and later can be helpful, so here are nine tips to keep in mind as you start off a new year of school! ;)

1. Keep confidence up. It doesn't matter what happens this year-keep that chin up and face showing! Who knows-this could be your best or worst school year-but keep up the confidence always! You're an amazing person who can do anything, girly!
2. No matter what happens, know who your best bud/s are and stay close to them. Support each other and be there for all the best girlies (and maybe guy/s) in your life. Prioritize their friendships!
3. Speaking of prioritizing, prioritize school and homework. No matter if you've always been a serious, straight A and B student through your school years, or consistently disliked school, make it a priority to get good grades this year and try to actually enjoy school if you don't already.
4. Get engaged in what interests you. If you really want to join that after-school art club, but you have some hesitation about it for whatever reason, go for it anyway! You won't regret joining a group or activity that peaks or encourages your interests and builds experience ;)
5. Don't overload. I'm sure you've heard that you should get involved in some activities, but at the same time, not to over do it; and even though this advice can be tricky to put into practice, this advice is correct. If you have a million activities and literally no "me time", you're going to end up overtired, overworked, and frustrated. Remember there should be a balance between activities, schoolwork, family, friends, and a relationship if you have one. It can't be all one of those things and none of the others.
6. Get to bed at a reasonable time. Too many teens are night owls-which at times can be a good thing, especially when you need to cram for a Chemistry final tomorrow, for example-but if you consistently stay up in the a.m. each night, there's no way you can perform your best the next day. (I speak here from experience! :P) So get some shut eye before midnight even rolls around on the clock! ;)
7. Eat healthy. Make sure vegetables and fruits are something you eat a lot of every day, and hopefully at every meal if possible. Its amazing what just healthy eating can do for you: you'll be more energized any day if you maintain a healthy diet then if you do not.
8. Keep focus on what's really important. And guess what that is? Having God #1 in your life IS the most important thing! Make sure on top of all the craziness of this and every year, God is most important in your life. Keep an active prayer life, live your faith, let Him guide all your decisions, and just always keep God #1!
9. Make sure you spend time with family. Make time for this. Your parents and siblings are just as important as acing an exam or winning that sports championship! Even if you have to schedule time with the fam (if you're that busy) do it.

Comment below with anything you struggle with during the school year especially, and how you try to overcome it in practical ways. ;D

Happy school year, girlies!

Non-School Backpack Essentials!

Believe it or not, backpacks are (or at least can be) used for much more than just basic textbooks, notebooks and general school supplies during the school day. Whether its a habit to use your backpack for more than just strictly school or not, here's a list to look at with helpful items! :)  

A planner. A planner's pretty much essential for a junior high, high school, or college age student. With the amount of school events, activities, homework and assignment due dates, and extra curriculars in a student's life, its necessary! If you don't have one already for this school year, make sure you get one-it will be really help organize your life and keep you on track for all daily and weekly events!
Headphones. If you're in a public place (or maybe on the bus ride to school) blocking noise best is to use headphones-so keep them in your backpack all the time so you never suffer for the lack of a pair! ;)
Snacks. This is kinda necessary in my case since I get really weak and faintish if I don't eat every few hours typically-but whether you're like that yourself or not, keep snacks handy in your backpack so you have an on-hand snack for whenever.
A book or magazine/s. If you get stuck somewhere in someplace (perhaps with no internet connection or with just nothing else to do) a book or magazine is great to have to read!
Extra makeup. Even if you don't freshen up your make-up through out the school day, have some spare lipstick, mascara and/or eyeliner (and whatever else you use if you wear makeup) in a small makeup bag handy for situations when it comes off or you need more. ;)

Well, that's a short list of some things that can be very helpful for you to keep in your backpack! Hope these (and any other items you can think of) will help you stay fully supplied with items in your backpack all day, every day, when you need them. =)


Saturday, July 30, 2016

How To Get Enough Sleep

Ahhhh...sleep! Its a thing of joy for us consistently overly-tired teens, but also something we push off and don't get an adequate amount of. Especially if you're a night owl, there's no way the lights are gonna be off at a time they should unless you push yourself to get to bed. Here are some ways to help you get more sleep, especially with a new school year starting soon! ;)
-Turn off the electronics at least twenty minutes before you actually plan to go to sleep. Because if you don't, you're going to end up texting more...and more. Until its past midnight and you remember you have to be up at five a.m. in the morning. :P And its also just healthy to give your eyes (and mind) a break from everything digital before sleeping. You'll feel more relaxed if you decide to write in a journal or read a book before sleep instead.
-Make sure you're not saving homework assignments and other to-do's for eleven o'clock at night. Get things that need to be done early in the evening, so you don't have midnight Algebra studying worries!
-Set a time you need to be in bed at. Something specific. Or even a time you won't allow yourself to be up at. (Like midnight...*winks at you because I know you've been up far past that time when you shouldn't have and that's why I'm writing this post...XD).

Hope these tips help you all to enjoy more sleep, especially entering a new school year when its really important! Happy restful (and substantial) sleeping! :)


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Probs With Procrastination

Are you a procrastinator? Or do you at least frequently procrastinate? If so, you're one of probably millions of others, a lot of them teens, who always fail to place their top priorities first.
Haha I'm just kidding. That sounded a little harsh. XD
But seriously, procrastinating can have some nasty effects. If you procrastinate, you're bound to be putting everything at last minute, and finish what needs to be done with a sketchy at best result, or be up all night the day before (if whatever needs to be done has a specific deadline). Recently, I put off something that should have been done a long while before it was actually accomplished to doing it at the very last-minute, resulting in a poor product of what actually should have been created, which also didn't met nearly any standards at a Show...(Yes, this was a 4-H project I didn't do well on, and felt bad about myself afterward for it. I learned finishing something up last minute means your completed product isn't gonna look or do well :P).
So is there a solution to putting off everything for the tomorrow that never seems to come anyway? One thing to do (depending on what there is to do, maybe there's an extra curricular or school project for example) is to put all mobile devices aside, possibly, or at least not be consistently on them as much as while you're working on a project. It may be tempting to be texting your best friend while you work, but if it simply distracts you from the work instead of encouraging you, try to set aside the cyber stuff until later. (Sometimes I myself tend to work better while listening to music or a texting a friend while I work, it depends on you and your personality/how well you work that way).
Another thing is to make the goal of completion clear, and divide up the work for specific portions of time. Like, when I have extremely enormous school projects, (ten-page essays or what else have I xD) I will divide the work up every day for a week, or perhaps even longer. Dividing up the work has multi-benefits: you're on your way to completing what needs to be done, you're not as stressed, you don't have a pile of work to do in one sitting, and so it doesn't tire you out as much as if you had to do it all at once.

Hope this blog post is helpful for you if you struggle with procrastination! Let me know in the comments what you do to avoid procrastination or lessen it ;)


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Date or Stay Single?

"I wanted to ask if you could do a blog about whether dating at a young age is okay, and whether you should give in to peer pressure about dating."
-Pressured & Wondering

I received this message from someone recently. I hope I can answer as well as I can and that it may be helpful for you girlie! Thanks a ton for asking for me to help you with this. (By the way, any questions or anything you need advice for, don't hestitate to comment or message me anonymously anytime, [or with your name, I will always keep your name private no matter how you contact me]).
First of all, by asking if dating "at a young age" is okay, designate what the young age is exactly. Personally, I think someone who is at least a teenager of perhaps sixteen or older could be fine dating (it all depends on your situation, maturity level, and so on) but something going on like an eleven-year old beginning to date is not okay. (I don't think you need to be dating when you're that young period :P.)
A question that pops into probably all girls' (and guys') heads at some point or another is, should you give in to peer pressure about dating? That is something that has a complicated answer, because you may have a desire in your heart to date someone, and adding peer pressure to that just makes the pressure to do so worse.
I'm struggling with this question right now myself, to be totally honest, and definitely know the feels!! Consider all of the following and ask yourself these questions first before you make a decision to date at this point in your life or hold off for a bit:
~Are you emotionally ready for a relationship at the moment? Sometimes people may still be hurting, and have not fully healed from a former relationship, while jumping into a new one too fast before their heart has had time to catch up and heal entirely. Make sure you're over all previous relationships substantially before entering a new one.
~Do you really want a relationship right now? Sometimes the peer pressure itself can deceive your feelings and make you feel like you really want to date someone yourself, but its all the people around you who are feeding you that idea instead of you desiring it yourself. (Not to say all people who start dating had previously been actually looking out for a particular special someone; sometimes "the one" shows up when you least expect it. Just clarifying that that is not what I am saying here ;))
~Can you handle a relationship at the moment? Sometimes, there may be so much more going on in school, extra-curriculars, with friends & family, and emotionally all round that just adding a relationship to the list in your life could become too much. Consider your problems, situation, and responsibilities right now. Would it be too much with a boyfriend in there as well? Could it be better to wait on dating until it'd be a better time, and just have friendships with guys in the mean time?

I hope this post was helpful for everyone wondering about dating, peer pressure, and all that hard stuff that comes to mind and heart as all you peeps progress through the teen years. Feel free to contact me in any way you'd like to ask questions, I'd love to answer any and all of them for any one of you in my blog, or through private messaging!
Be sure to comment below as well with your thoughts. God bless, girlies! <3

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Parental Problems?

I'm pretty sure there is a point for every teenager, no matter who the parent and teen is and how the teen gets along with her parents, where the wishes of the teenager comes into conflict with the parents'. The amount of differences and conflict between parents and the teenager varies, but all of us despairing teens know the problems it can present and how hard it can be, especially when all us teenagers ask for is the normal stuff 'everyone' gets.
Having experienced parental problems myself, I know how difficult it can be to have strict parents who aren't crazy about the things I like to do (or do more of). I've recently been able to come up with some solutions that are paving the way for satisfaction for both me and my parents more, and thought I'd write about them here in a few ways to get along better with your parents.
1. Fulfill your responsibilities before expecting privileges. With my dad and mom, its always expected (like most parents I think) that I have a clean room, do chores, complete schoolwork/homework and everything else that I'm responsible for, before going out with friends or enjoying any privilege like that.
2. Ask instead of demanding. I have this extremely bad habit (not sure who else may have it too) where I state I'm getting something before asking my parents for it. Of course for some things, particularly small things, this is okay, but when its something pretty big, its probably a better idea to ask then just begin stating you're going to get or do something. Your parents will be pleased that you have enough respect for them to ask their permission or approval first.
3. Don't freak if your parents appear unreasonable. Even if they're not just appearing to be unreasonable, but actually are unreasonable, freaking out and getting upset, raising your voice and other expressions of emotion, only can make it worse. Sometimes negotiations can help-sitting down with your parents and putting together an agreement, such as if you do chores, you're obedient, and get the good grades parents ask for, that you get more of electronics, a reasonable curfew, more time with friends or more of freedom, or whatever else you're looking for.
4. Understand your parents and where they are coming from. Commonly referred to as something like the generation gap, this gap can raise problems for people who are twenty or more years apart from each other (parents and teens), who have a lot of times grown up in two very different environments and cultures. If your parents don't approve of the time you spend on electronics and social media, for example, understand where they are coming from. My parents grew up in a time when a teenager having her own phone (not even a smartphone, just a phone) wasn't a commodity at all. There was certainly no internet access period. Additionally, everything growing up for my parents was quite different from the way I am growing up.
5. Saving the most important for last, remember: make sure you build a strong relationship with your parents. More than getting anything you want, having a good relationship with your parents is far more important. To do this, it will be necessary for the respect, love and affection between you and parent/s to be mutual. Care about your parents, make them an important part of your day, talk to them about friends, school, and all that's going on in your life. For me, though I don't always get perfectly well along with parents, I have a strong relationship with them. My mom is a confidant of mine, and I a confidant for her. (Another cool thing to note, especially with my mom for myself, is that the more you grow up and get older, the more your parents become less of an authority figure and more of a friend you can confide to and turn to for help. :D)

Remember above all, no matter how much you can disagree with parents and they with you, remember how much your parents love you. Many times people can love another person so deeply that its faulty, because the deep care and love reaches to extremes at times. When you're upset with parents for not allowing you to always do what you want, realize they make that decision with only the best interest for you, and your physical, emotional and spiritual safety and well-being. Love your parents, because they are the ones that have taken care of you, loved you, still love you, and always will. :)

Lots of Love,

The Power of Forgiveness

So, reading the title of my newest blog post, you may be confused as to why I am writing about forgiveness in a post on a girls' advice blog. But there is several reasons why, including the fact that teenagers, can and do struggle with forgiveness, and getting over painful incidents in their lives. Secondly, this blog has a Christian viewpoint, and for Christian teen girls, realizing the power of and practicing forgiveness is something essential for them.
Recently, I've had several different situations where I needed to practice forgiveness with others. Some painful events in my life have led me to realize forgiveness is vitally important to get over something that hurt you, and begins the healing process so you can move on steadily emotionally. These incidents I am obviously not going to detail here and relate online on a blog, but to shed some light on what was going on, I was having some emotional problems with some people supposingly who are "close" to me. Trying to get over the fact of what they had done and still could do, (some people hurt someone I really love and care about, while others just deeply hurt me) I have realized the impact forgiveness can have, not only to let those people who hurt you know you have forgiven them, but it instills more peace into your heart to lessen the pain within it.
So why is forgiveness so powerful? Well, to let go of the anger or hurt and frustration that you feel for a person can be minimized or taken away entirely if you choose to forgive those persons and what they may have done to you and let go of angry feelings for them. Additionally, as Christians we are called to forgive those who have wronged us. Jesus told us to forgive people who have hurt you. Forgiving someone will bring peace to your heart in an unimaginable and previously unforeseenable way.
If you are struggling to get over a painful incident with someone, pray to God for grace to overcome the angry and revengeful feelings you may have-and choose, choose to forgive the person/s who have hurt you. After forgiving them, give it all to God, and pray about it. In time, your wounds will heal and the emotional pain will hopefully subside. Know that I am praying for those struggling with this right now, because especially I know how really hard it can be. <3

Lots of Love,

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Summer Bucket List: BFF Edition

Want to do more than just simply hang out this summer with your bff? If you want to make some amazing summer memories with your bestie or group of best friends, use some of these trendy ideas to have a blast together creating some fantastic memories! 
Make something together. Whether it be baking and cooking, crafting, or whatever else is your thing, creating something with your bestie is always tons of fun!
Make a video/vlog together. It doesn't matter on what, creating a video of anything you're both interested in with your bff can result in a lot of hilariousness, over-the-top fun, and memories.
Have a photo shoot. What is more fun than taking a series of fun shots to showcase with your bff on Instagram?
Have a movie marathon. Whether it be a favorite film series, or a movie variety to watch at day or night, don't forget the popcorn and loungewear!
Do an all nighter. Of course you're going to be falling asleep at breakfast the next morning, but it doesn't get more fun than staying up the entire night with your #1 girl friend. :D
Take a day road trip!  Relatively inexpensive, but tons of fun, visit wherever is your idea of the best destination, whether it be familiar or strange territory for you and your bff. Just have fun exploring and doing something different than the day-to-day usual summer activities! xD
Have a dance party! Tune into whatever is your shared favorite songs and rock this party with your bff!

Whether you do all or just some of the ideas on this list, be sure to add your own and create the epic bucket list for the summer to rock out and do with your bestie! <3


Monday, June 6, 2016

Double Berry Smoothies

Since I was writing about healthy eating just a couple weeks ago, and I realize it can be a struggle for all us girls with crazy cravings but healthy intentions to get anywhere, I thought I'd share this ultra-delicious and easy recipe which also is really non-fattening! Enjoy! ;)

1 6 ounce strawberry yogurt
1/3 cup milk
3 medium strawberries, sliced
1/4 cup blackberries

Put all the ingredients in a blender, and blend well for 10-20 seconds, or until completely smooth and mixed well. Pour into a glass or smoothie cup of your choice and match up with a straw!

These are also great to make and share with friends! ;)


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Youtubers Every Teen Girl Should Follow

Two blog posts in a day! Woo hoo! In this blog post, I'm giving you a scoop on some of my favorite Youtubers who I think are fun and great for every teenage girl to subscribe to and watch! =)

Chelsea Crockett Favorite. Youtuber. Ever. This girl is the sweetest, most inspiring person around on Youtube! I love her so much! When you watch her videos, its more like you're listening to a friend, rather than a random person in a video. She makes things personal for her viewers, she has the best, most creative advice, and she's Christian! I have always loved her many videos (and her website too; you should check that out as well) and when I found out she's a devout Christian as well, I freaked! :D
Brooklyn & Bailey Let's face it-these two twins are adorable! And their channel includes videos of all kinds that are funny, entertaining, helpful, or creative! If you don't regurarly watch Brooklyn & Bailey, or you're not subscribed yet to their channel, subscribe or start watching their videos now! They're two beautiful, amazing girls who are the cutest pair of Youtubers ever! =)
Studio C You're probably thinking "Studio C? I thought she was going to recommend Youtube channels with advice and stuff for the teen girl..." Well actually, I am. But every girl needs to laugh as well! Studio C is the best, and when you need to laugh, they're right there for you! In case you haven't watched a lot of their sketches, its basically an internet comedy sketch show-its hilarious, clean and lots of fun! Matt personally is my favorite ;)
Girl Defined This is a new Youtube channel I'm really excited for! They're uploading videos once a week, for girls on topics such as modesty, purity, and dating, all from a Christian viewpoint. Great resource for Christian teenage girls! :)

Let me know in the comments who are some of your favorite Youtubers and if you'd like some more suggested Youtube channels in another future blog post! :)


Just Be You

"No matter what you look like, I think the key is to be happy with yourself."

I love Adele! And she's right on! You simply cannot be happy, unless you are yourself! Can you imagine if the entire world had people who were simply never afraid of being themselves? Do you know what a better place it would be if every single person on the planet appreciated the fact they can be themselves, practice their own style, and would not be afraid of doing it? I bet this world would be millions better. I'm sure you agree too right? ;)
Well, this post is about just that-having your own sense of style, and being comfortable with it too!
1. If you're never truly yourself, then who are you really? Make sure you understand God didn't make us the same-in looks, personality, interests, tastes, and otherwise for a reason. We were all created different to have an individual, unique impact on the world. And that cannot be done if everyone is acting like everyone else. Your own unique stamp of individuality is what makes you YOU!
2. Isn't it always great and inspiring to see someone who isn't afraid to show him or herself to others? Its so refreshing! Can you imagine the world if we were all the same? If we all had the same skin color, same hair, same personality, everything? The world would be a very boring place :P God made us all unique, all different, individuals. We should not only be satisfied, but happy with that! We all have a purpose for who we are, just remember that ladies! ;)
3. Even if you try your utmost to be someone else, it just won't work. Why? God made you to be the person you were created to be. If you act like someone else, that person-YOU-will never reach your full potential-you'll be too busy acting like others to realize the amazing things you're capable of doing if you just stay yourself! Just be yourself, honestly, that makes the prettiest and happiest person you can truly and possibly be! <3

Is there some aspect of yourself you struggle with, tending to follow others or desiring to be like them? Let me know in the comments girlies!


Monday, May 16, 2016

Six Classics Worth Your Time To Read

Are you a fan of classics? Or maybe you tend to like reading more newer and modern books? Whatever's your thing, these are six classics every teen girl should read, whether a big classics nerd or not! XD
1. Little Women
This is the classic of classics! XD The story of the four March sisters is really sweet, romantic, and has a lot of life lessons within it. Definitely worth your read! (And also, if you buy/get the unabridged version...its a very big book, but don't be intimated! Its a fun, interesting read all the way through. :D)
2. Pride and Prejudice
Simple: if you haven't read Pride and Prejudice, you have not lived. XD Seriously, read this book. Its the best of the best. I am sure you'll fall in love with a certain male character from the book like I did, before you even finish the book. And end up only wanting to marry a man like him in the future. (Which is totally a good thing! ;) ) Literally (I wont say his name for those of you who haven't read the book yet) you're going to fall more hopelessly in love with him than any other fictional character ever. And plus, everything else about the book is... well, perfect. XD
3. Anne of Green Gables
I absolutely love the films they made on the Anne of Green Gable books, and most likely, you may love them too. If you do, you'll love the books as well! They explore the whole story of Anne Shirley in a way that even the beautiful films made on the books could not. You really need to read this series! My favorites are the Anne of Avonlea and Anne of the Island books, they're the best in the series in my opinion. :)
4. Emma
Another beautiful book by Jane Austen, this book is one of a young lady finding herself...when she really worked towards the process of losing herself. Yes, ironic and opposing of itself, which makes it so great. Just read it, okay? xD
5. Wuthering Heights
Though much of this book is kind of gloomy and melancholy, its really worth your time to read. I love the themes of desperate love, intense hatred, and the lives of many (and very drastically, morally different) generations and people that interplay into one sober, but interesting, novel.
6. Jane Eyre
This novel was actually revolutionary for the time, because the heroine falls in love first with the male propagandist in the book, instead of the usual vice-versa. Jane Eyre is a really powerful heroine who gives this book a vivacious spark like no other written in its time. The story is tragic, romantic, and full of mystery and suspense too. And its written by the real sister of Charlotte Bronte, the author of Wuthering Heights! :)

I hope, perhaps for the summer, you can read at least some of these books if you haven't already. Comment below with a favorite classic of yours! :)


Friday, May 13, 2016

Controlling Your Body Cravings For The Better

 I want it so bad!
I'm so hungrryyyy right now.
I have to resist the temptation!
I cant right now! Already gained five pounds in the last couple months! And its almost summer!
I'm sure you've experienced the struggle and have had this tough argument with yourself. Maybe a lot, maybe a little, or, if you're lucky- perhaps not at all.
For those of you who struggle with it, its okay. I go through this myself. (And all my friends say I'm ultra-thin, but I don't know, I feel like I could be in better shape sometimes, so this is something I do go through.)
I'm writing this post right now, as a matter of fact, because a friend of mine and I are both trying to encourage each other to lessen on the junk food. Yeah, (currently) it IS Friday night, and we ARE both really hungry for lots junk food that isn't great for our bodies, but encouraging each other to not give in to our longing for tons of junk food is really a big helper at the moment.
1. So, first things first. If you want to lessen your junk food intake, don't think you have to endure a diet of raw, crunchy, uncooked vegetables and fruits. You can buy things like energy bars, and make yogurt smoothies to help "kill the craving"  for sugar and calories your body wants. If you go ahead and eat just like raw vegetables, and water, your longing for any amount of sugar will be too overpowering, and plus that's just not necessary. The real key to sugar and calorie intake is just to not overdue it.
2. Have at least one friend who may be struggling with this herself team up with you, so you both can help each other remember the right food choices to make on a daily or regular basis. Even if you can't be in person when the temptation arrives, make sure you two can message or call each other when that dangerous time of day comes in and all you feel like eating is pizza rolls, loads of ice cream, and potato chips. :P
3. Be happy with your body. Few, if in fact anyone, has a fabulous figure. And that's alright! Remember to take it one day at a time maybe, lessening intake of fatty foods day by day. Sometimes, if you go all for it immediately, it will be way too hard! Take it slow and don't be too hard on yourself.

Hope these tips will help you make happy, healthier food choices! Always remember too, its perfectly okay to indulge in some junk food occasionally, as long as you don't overdo it. And NEVER reach the point where you are starving yourself. That's a bad health choice, always! Remember, you're beautiful girlies, no matter what! :)


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Motivating Yourself

We all get those blah periods in life where we just want to log onto the laptop, eat junk food, and do natta. And that's totally fine-if it remains a temporary thing. If you're finding yourself at the point where you don't want to do ANYTHING, here's a list of motivational  tips that will help you get moving and inspired to give it all a go!
1. Make a simple to do list. Write down what you essentially want to get done for the day. Include activities like homework, chores, cleaning your room, and whatever else you have as a your daily goals.
2. Find some online quotes that inspire you to do the things needed to be done. Write them down or print them out, and hang them somewhere in your room as visual motivators as you start and through out your day. For me, a very visual person, this really tends to help.
3. Find a friend who you can turn to who kindly tell you to do the things you need to get done every day. They can be your inspiration-motivation coach who help you stay on track and stay motivated daily. (Maybe your mom or dad, a sibling you're close to, or just a good/best friend.)
4. Only allow yourself "privileges" after you check off at least half the items off your to do list each day (or week, however you'll have it set up). What I mean by privileges is watching your favorite TV show, getting on the computer, using your iPod, etc. Of course, reading this, you'll freak out with no TV or electronics until you get a lot done, but if you follow through with it, it will definitely get you doing the things you need to do before music, texting, gaming, or what else have you. xD
5. Pray. Ask God to help give you inspiration and motivation to fulfill daily responsibilities and get things done that you need to. He will help you stay energetic and happy about daily work and to-do's. xD <3

I hope, if and when you get in lazy mode, doing one or more of these activities will inspire you and help motivate you to get moving and doing things! Luv ya and have an amazing day girlies!


Why You Gotta Love 1D As A Teen Girl

For those of you who are not 1D fans- I honestly feel sorry for you. XD Here's a few songs that may change your mind about the perfect four and turn you into a loyal Directioner! ;)

Night Changes-Watching the music video to this song is like imagining yourself on a date with one of the boys! What could be better than that? xD
What A Feeling-I've always, always, listened to this song and imagined myself dancing on a date with a crush of mine...weird, I know. Anyways...this song is so amazing. Its so sweet, and is perfect when you're in a dreamy mood.
Little Things- Think of all those silly little things you do, that makes you you, do you think they're  weird and unlikeable by others? Think again. This song like glorifies those little crazy things girls always do, as something "adorable" and that makes a guy love a girl-at least that's the way the 1D boys feel about the subject. I just love it, and you will too, if you don't already!
What Makes You Beautiful-This song and music video is basically what made 1D so famous. Just listening to it-makes you smile big and dream of the day a guy will be singing about you like that in his heart. In the meantime before that day, you know the boys think that of their loyal girl fans for now. <3
Perfect- Feel like you want to live life just a little dangerously? This is the song that may affirm those secret feelings of yours that wanna do something a little crazy at midnight, and lets you know you're not the only one who feels that way! XD
Drag Me Down-When you know you've found the perfect person for you, this song exactly expresses your feelings. With the person you love, nothing can drag you down. And the boys got your back when it comes to this (well, they got your back always, like no matter what <3)
You and I- Struggling to get over a break up? This is the song for ya! From losing heart to hoping to get together again, this song is the one to make you cry over someone lost-and the boys are ready to cry and sing it out with you.
Best Song Ever- Hyped? This is the song you need to listen to and laugh at! I love listening to the song and watching the video when I'm excited or really happy about something, or just in a crazy mood. xD

Hopefully, I've helped convince you its a great idea to be a loyal #1 Directioner if you're not already. Its obvious how sweet, amazing, and like perfecttttt those four guys are. (And what used to be five boys...:'(...not the time to go into that right now though.)
Let me know in the comments if you're a Directioner, and why or why not. Also, let me know what your favorite 1D song/s is/are! :)

Luv u girlies! <33

Monday, May 2, 2016

3 Modest Denim Summer Looks You'll Love

Sometimes its hard to be trendy and in style with summer clothing while being modest at the same time! I put together these three favorite denim summer looks of mine that are stylish and modest at once, I hope you enjoy and have fun putting together denim outfits of your own, perhaps inspired by these! ;)
Maxi skirt/sleeveless jean jacket. I love this look! Its especially cute (in my opinion) with a striped/chevron maxi skirt and a dark blue jean jacket!

Jean capris and a summer top. There's nothing wrong with actual jean shorts, they're actually a super cute look I love. But a lot of the jean shorts I see in stores and want to buy are super short-too short for my personal taste at times. :P Short, knee length capris are really cute if you can't find shorts that are long enough for your taste.

Jean skirts (about knee length) with a short sleeve summer top. Short jean skirts paired with a summer top and maybe a light scarf are adorable! The looks borders between country girl and almost vintage, and its honestly super cute (again, just in my opinion XD).

Comment and let me know which is your fav denim look, or one stylish & modest look of your own you like to wear in the spring or summer! ;)

Luv ya girlies!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Simple Stress Relievers

Let's face it-we all have to deal with stress, on at least one level or another. Here's a couple simple ways you can relieve some of that stress after something hard or just a really tough day at school. You'll be feeling the smiles in no time!
Exercise or take a nature walk. For me at least, exercising in one form or another is a way to decrease my stress level and help me calm down. Plus, my added energy just helps me work harder physically. Exercising in the outdoors, just seeing nature and trees and flowers, reminds me more of God and less of about my current problem/s.
Write. Okay, I realize I'm a crazy writer, and when I'm stressed out, writing's my thing. (Well, anytime in life, writing is my thing. When I'm stressed, bored, upset, happy, excited, nervous-any mood you can think of I'm in, my thing is to write. XD) But honestly, writing your feelings down at least, can be helpful. Its a way to "let it out" instead of holding it in-and plus, you wont be letting out steam at the wrong person because you're upset!
Pray and just talk to God. Just talking to God about what's going on, and what you're worried or stressed over helps a ton. Knowing God cares is in itself a big thing that should make you feel better.
Listen to music. Music is my #1 go getter when I'm worried, stressed or just having a bad day. It instantly makes me feel better, if its the type of music I like. So out pull out your headphones and tune in with that favorite playlist of yours!
Do something you enjoy and that calms you down. Working on a hobby or activity you like will surely put your in a happier mood and if you're pretty upset, help calm you down.
Talk with a close friend about what may be bothering you or just spend time with them. Being with people you love will surely make you feel better. And it will instantly make your day brighter!

Hope a hard day can be brightened a little by doing some of these stress relieving activities! Love ya girlies, thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to leave a comment on what you do to fight stress or what you'll do to chill after a bad day.


Why Purity Rings Are A Good Idea

Do you have a purity ring? Or do you know what one is? For those of you who do not, a purity ring is a ring that you can wear (typically beginning as a teenager) to remind yourself of an ongoing commitment to purity until marriage. Not merely just a symbol of purity itself, possessing a purity ring is more of a symbol of a promise you make to yourself (and, in a way, to your future spouse) that you are saving your self and your virginity for your soulmate, that is, your husband (or wife, if you're a guy happening to be reading this).
Personally, I love the idea of purity rings. I actually do not have one of mine yet, but I really want to get one soon. I probably will be asking for one from my parents for my 16th birthday this summer ;)
There are several reasons getting a purity ring is such a good idea.
One way is its just simply good you are reminded of the purity promise you made to yourself daily, just by having the ring on your finger. Its a very cool thing.
In times of struggling or tempitation, your purity ring can be a reminder to stay strong in the face of temptation. Its right there, a symbol of your commitment. :)
Also, not to mention, if any guy's interested in you, or go on a first date or anything with anyone, and they ask about the ring, its a clear pointer to how you look at a pre-marital relationship. Whether their interest in you dwindles or increases after discovering that, you will definitely gain respect from boys/men because of it.
Now, please keep in mind that purity rings are not actually totally essential. You can make a commitment to purity without a ring to show it. Additionally, purity rings don't meant temptation and perhaps struggle disappear. (That'd simply be superstitious :P). Why I think purity rings are such a good thing, is because they may encourage you to stay strong in your resolution, and will help you to remember your commitment-perhaps at a moment when you otherwise could forget it. Plus, (maybe) especially for a girl, its cool to celebrate your purity commitment with a ring to show that you are following Christ and you're Gods girl, staying pure until the day you're married to your spouse.
If you think a purity ring is the right thing for you, ask your parents about getting one. Its a really amazing thing, and in my opinion, even exciting, to exhibit "to the world" your commitment to Christ and purity. Don't forget to leave in the comments whether you have a purity ring yet or not, and what you think of having one :)
Luv you girlies!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Simple Self-Confidence Boosters

Everyone, I'd say most especially teenagers, struggle with having real self-confidence and feeling good about the persons they are. Sometimes, you need to realize you have a lot of real worth, and that's why I wrote this post. Here are some simple ways to boost your self-confidence:

1. Stop comparing yourself to others around you. That's the worst (and by looking at the media and world EVERYWHERE, its also apparently the most popular) means of examining yourself. Even "gorgeous" girls I know don't consider themselves very pretty, most likely because they compare themselves to others instead of looking in the mirror and realizing how pretty they are by themselves.
2. Realize your looks do not define you. Looks are not what make people beautiful or really that attractive to others-what will count always will be your heart, not how physically flawless you are.
3. Make a list about all the great things about yourself. Although you might not be crazy about this idea, and have no clue how to do this-its worth it and will put a smile on your face knowing you have true worth in your unique abilities. Just start by writing down your talents (how are you musically, artistically, academically or otherwise gifted?) then things about your personality, and character. Write down things that make you proud of yourself. As a minimum, write at least 10 things you like about yourself. No less than that! ;)
4. Spend some time with a friend or person who makes you feel valued as a person. I'm pretty sure we all know (at least) that one person in our lives who lights up our day just spending time with them, and who always make you feel good about yourself and give you the sense of real self-value. Make sure you're with that person (or those people you know) who are like that more times then not. :)

Hope you amazing girlies do one or more of these things, and improve your self-confidence, because no matter what, you're unique and beautiful in my opinion! :)


Five Ways To Straight A's

We all know the struggle of keeping up good grades in every course for the entire school year. Here's a few tips you can use to help raise your grade in a class, or maintain the good one you have. :)

1. Just do your homework, every time. You wont be getting 0's-and when tests come along, just having done your homework before the test alone helps. Plus, if a dreaded pop quiz happens to come up tomorrow in class, doing your homework daily will help you know at least some information on it. XD

2. Ask questions and engage in class. Asking and discussing an idea or concept in any class will help you expand your knowledge in it and understand it better!

3. Study before every single test. Whether its your weekly mathematics test or semester exam, its essential before every test you study the material it covers. Unless you're a genuine genius who remembers everything forever, you'll need to review everything for the test. ;D

4. This is an obvious one, but something that raises a grade as easily as this needs attention. Ask about and for possible extra credit assignments.

5. Take notes in class and while studying. This is one of the best ways to retain information, and write the most important things from classes down to review when you need them. If you become an efficient note-taker, you will be able to write down the most important info for both now and later. (Plus, its a proven fact that writing down things you need to know helps you remember the information.)

Hope these tips help earn the grade you want in your classes if you use them! Love you girlies! <33


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Perfect Guy For You: Does He Exist?

Okay, at one point in our teenage single years, while looking for the right guy, all of us girls reach a point, wondering if the guy we want even exists. Are our standards too high? Are we being too picky about the guy we ultimately want to be with? Questions like these come uppermost in our minds when we feel the lack or loss of a special guy friend or boyfriend in our lives.
There has been points in my life where I think, well, the only guys with the types of standards I have simply do not exist.

If you’re at this point, or near it, don’t give up hope! Do not EVER lower your standards for the guy (for example, that you want to date) simply so you’re with someone. You want that “someone” to be very special and definitely worthy of your heart-in other words, not just anyone.

I used to be at the point that I thought the type of guy I want to even be close friends with, wouldn't have the moral standards I want. Thankfully, I didn’t lower my standards when that guy was yet to have shown up in my life.

Here’s 3 things to remember while the guy you really hope and pray for has yet to show up in your life:
  1. Don’t think for a moment that you’ll be eternally single, and without even a good guy friend, because you want someone Christian, or with moral standards. Guys like that are out there. Sometimes you just need to wait until God wants you to meet him though, and be patient (I know that’s REALLY hard to accept, but sometimes, it’s what God wants and what we need to do, is to be patient.)
  2. If you want to meet a good guy, look for him in the right places. At church, a Christian youth group, in Christian settings, those are places where there’s most likely going to be Christian guys who are likely to be like who you're looking for. Don't simply expect him to magically show up. XD
  3. Pray for the guy while he's yet to arrive! If you want a guy that's a good Christian and will respect you, pray for him to that he'll be all that! No one's perfect (more on that later) and praying for him is a great thing to do, putting God in your friendship/relationship before the guy's even arrived yet! :)
Of course, all this said, there's a difference between wanting good standards, and wanting literally a PERFECT person. If you want a guy that's physically flawless, never makes mistakes, and is like a guy in the movies (does Edward from Twilight come to mind?) then you're in for disappointment. No such male (or female with guys for that matter) exists like that.
When my title says "perfect guy for you" I mean him and you are compatible for each other, and possibly, soul-mates. I don't mean he's flawless. Just you two are just right for each other. Just a note to say for all you girlies ;)
I'm praying that whoever is reading this, now or later, the guy that shows up or is in your life will respect and love you, and be everything you hope to have in a special guy friend or boyfriend. :)
Luv you girlies! Xoxo

Friday, April 22, 2016

Welcome to The Girls Life Blog!

Welcome to The Girls Life Blog! This will be a blog full of tips, tricks, advice and activities for the Christian teen girl, for everything in a teen girl's life, including beauty, fashion, dating, friendships, social life, and more. Hope you can follow my blog and comment too! :)
